Henrik Kragh Sørensen

Henrik Kragh Sørensen (*1973) holds a MSc in mathematics and computer science (1998, Aarhus University) and a PhD in the history and philosophy of mathematics (2002, AU). He has held postdoc positions in Utrecht (NL), Kristiansand (NO) and at AU, and a position as Associate Professor at AU (2008-2016). Since 2016, he has been Professor of History and Philosophy of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen. He has been invited to numerous international workshops and to extended research visits in Norway and Australia.

In 2009, Henrik was awarded the Montucla Prize from the International Commission on the History of Mathematics; he has been elected Senior Fellow of DMRCP (Diversity of Mathematical Research Cultures and Practices); PI of an international network for History and Philosophy of Computer Science funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark; and he has served as vice-president and president of the Danish Society for History of Science.

For the last 15 years, he has been a central contributor to the emerging field of philosophy of mathematical practice, especially the computerization of mathematics, the relation between the empirical and the formal sciences, and collaboration in the formal sciences. He is an international pioneer in applying data science and digital humanities to the study of mathematical and scientific practice, and he currently directs a research group devoted to Digital Humanities for Philosophy of Mathematical Practice at UCPH, hosting international researchers, teaching at PhD courses, and supervising student projects.


In my research project (lab) we use digital methods based on big data and machine learning to facilitate philosophical analyses of research practice, mainly with the field of philosophy of mathematical practice (PMP).

Matematikhistorie i små bidder

On the blog https://matematikhistorie.wordpress.com, I post about teaching history of mathematics using primary sources. The materials are primarily aimed at Danish upper-secondary teaching.


I supervise BSc-, MSc- and PhD projects within history and philosophy of mathematical and computer science (incl. machine learning).


I teach courses in philosophy of computer science and machine learning (block 4), philosophy of computer science & economics (block 3), and a course on history of computer science (block 2).


I have regularly given presentations for upper-secondary school teachers and for the lay public on a variety of topics from my fields.